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Multimedia Is Important in Online Marketing

The word "dynamic" describes today's online experience! The early days of the web featured mostly static pages with lots of text and not much else. Though, the websites you see now are bursting with information of all kinds, with a lot of two-way interaction and audience engagement. The advent of multimedia, of course, has played a huge role in this evolution. As media quality has improved, things like images, video, and even live streaming have become not only possible, but commonplace.
Multimedia is everywhere nowadays. Intelligent marketers understand the need for incorporating a fair amount of multimedia into online marketing strategies. Even the smallest businesses with the simplest goals can still benefit from including multimedia as part of their campaigns.
Tip for small businesses: doing this can also open you up to a whole new level of engaging with potential customers.

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Improve Your UX with a Google Compliant Checklist


Improve Your UX with a Google Compliant Checklist
This is a great tip! You can improve your website’s user experience by checking your compliant page, but you must make a compliant page first (hint: see below ;) ).
UX or “user experience” design is the process of enhancing a website viewers/users’ satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and interaction between the user and the product or service provided. It is also a measure of the ease and pleasure that users enjoy when navigating through a site.

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