If ever there were a good time to start getting more involved with Pinterest-based marketing, the run-up to the holidays is it. Whether you are already a Pinterest power-user or are just getting started with the concept of visual social marketing, there are always ways you can boost your efforts at this time of year.
It’s not just about December holidays, either – Everything from Halloween and Thanksgiving right up through New Year is important in the land of Pinterest. There are thousands of pinboards out there overflowing with great ideas for every holiday imaginable, and the fact that so many of these holidays are concentrated at the end of the year means there are many opportunities for you to make the most of this time
Keep in mind that Pinterest marketing is not just for concrete product-based businesses. It’s not necessarily about trying to sell things directly. Whether you are offering a product or a service, what you are ultimately giving your customers is a way to get them closer to the lifestyle they want. Helping them envision that lifestyle is where Pinterest comes in – it’s a great idea to have pinboards focused around images of people living the kind of life your audience can have if they become your customers.
You can also set up a specal “at the office” pinboard showing what goes on at your workplace during the holidays – shots of your office Halloween party or your Thanksgiving decorations give a human feel to your business, and people will feel they can connect with you on a personal level. This sort of connection goes a long way when it comes to building customer loyalty, and it helps your customers get to know a little more about who you are.
Of course, if you do have a product or service that is perfect as a holiday gift, there’s nothing to stop you from creating a pinboard with your holiday specials highlighted. Don’t forget to be social, though – repin and comment on complementary content from others, and offer your help and expertise to those asking questions in your field. Again, this helps your audience make a personal connection with you, and helps you build your social media reputation.
Do you have some special Pinterest boards set up for the holidays yet? How will you be using Pinterest to get the most out of your marketing efforts in the final months of the year?