It’s time for the latest edition of Digital Blend, with digital marketing strategy wisdom from experts you can trust!
What not to do with your site – 15 tech pros share commonly-used website elements that they find annoying, off-putting, or downright infuriating.
Why accessibility matters – Often overlooked and under-implemented, accessibility standards are an important factor in building an audience and strengthening your brand.
Stress-free website redesign – Overhauling your most important online asset doesn’t have to be overwhelming – here’s how to keep your stress levels down.
Optimization mistakes that will cost you – These 17 common content optimization mistakes can affect your ROI in a significant way.
Fast websites are good for SEO – Focusing on website speed can have a profound effect on your site’s search engine rankings.
Building SEO + UX-minded navigation – These seven tips can help you understand how users move through your website, where your navigation is insufficient, and how to improve it.
Preparing your business for hard times – With soaring costs of living and talk of a new recession on the horizon, here’s how your business can grow even when times get tough.
Twitter’s performance marketing play – The social media giant wants performance-based ad revenue to make up 50% of its total.
Subdomains, or subdirectories? – Neil Patel clears up the confusion between subdomains and subdirectories, with examples of when to use each for optimal traffic and growth.
Burger King teases McDonald’s on LinkedIn – Burger King wanted to hire a clown for their anniversary celebration, and they knew just who to contact for that!
COGO Interactive is an award-winning digital marketing agency specializing in online marketing strategy, web design, SEO and social media marketing. We work with clients in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, DC and across the nation.