When it comes to the wonderful world of SEO, there is no shortage of information and advice. That being said, there is something you need to know: relying on the wrong info could point your web property in the wrong direction.
As you search the internet, you may be surprised to find just how many SEO blogs you come across. While there is nothing wrong with checking all these out, it is important to focus your time and attention on those that will provide you with the best information.
Here are five SEO blogs you should be reading:
Updated with several stories each day, this blog is going to keep you on the edge of your seat. They are fast to report breaking news, while also providing readers with everything from tips for beginners to advanced strategies.
Are you looking for strategic advice related to search engine optimization? Do you respond best to how-to content? If so, you should spend some time each day reading SEOmoz. You will not be disappointed with the knowledge you compile.
This blog is all about industry trends, new tactics, and commentary from well respected SEO professionals. More so than many others, SEOBook does a great job providing detailed instruction on what you should and should not be doing.
If high quality, targeted content is what you are looking for, Search Engine Journal will never disappoint. Most days, this blog posts 5+ high quality articles that are sure to provide you with useful advice. Some blogs are not updated regularly – this is not one of them.
Barry Schwartz is the mastermind behind this SEO blog, and his daily updates never come up short. The content focuses on a variety of categories including but not limited to: industry news, roundup of forum topics, and advice.
Along with these five SEO blogs, don’t forget to take a close look at our archive. We have published numerous pieces related to search engine optimization, as well as various related topics.