

How to Get Those All-Important Testimonials

BY Peg McDermott on Nov 27, 2012 / IN
These days, consumers rely more and more on the social aspects of research when they're co ...

Are You Thinking About 2013 Yet?

It may only be November, but with the holiday rush getting ready to overwhelm us all, 2013 ...

How Will Changes on LinkedIn Affect Your Business?

This summer has been a busy one for the staff at LinkedIn, the business-focused social netw ...

The Importance of Language in Social Media Marketing

BY Peg McDermott on Sep 11, 2012 / IN
Social networks, especially ones like Twitter where update lengths are limited, have freque ...

How Important Is the Visual Aspect of Online Marketing?

BY Peg McDermott on Aug 28, 2012 / IN
The early days of the web were mostly about exchanging text, but as computers and download ...

What To Do When Your Social Media Marketing Isn’t Working

It's already abundantly clear that social media marketing is a huge factor in how businesse ...

Are You Making the Most of Timeline?

Now that all Facebook Pages for brands have been moved over to the Timeline format, if you ...