New marketing is about attracting the right customer to your brand and retaining their business through keeping them interested in your online content and social media. Old marketing is buying TV, newspaper, print, billboards, and radio ads; it is a way of the past.
New marketing is inbound marketing.
Online community mechanisms such as blogs, podcasts, videos, message boards, product reviews, downloadable white papers, and social networks contribute to a transparent forum where companies and their customers can communicate online and share praises, criticisms, questions, and suggestions.
In recent years, companies like Seva Call (founded in 2011), Thumbtack (2009), and HomeAdvisor (1999) also offer web users a way to find the services they need quickly. Referrals, contractors, and professionals then contact the user with price quotes and information on their services.
This gives service providers and consumers a way to directly communicate with each other and negotiate jobs online.
Why are there so many online review companies that have really flourished in the last 10+ years (i.e. Angie’s List, Yelp)? It is because there is a growing trend of consumers making purchasing decisions based on Internet research and referrals.
This is where the demand is growing.
You can also read more on our blog post about five key ways internet has changed traditional marketing forever.
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