Social media connects people at a low cost and is one of the best and most inexpensive ways to reach out to existing customers and start a dialogue with new ones. Last fall we discussed the many ways to find prospects via LinkedIn. If you are not using LinkedIn to prospect for business, you are missing out on a huge opportunity.
You can generate leads via LinkedIn through:
1. Groups – You can join up to 50 groups. After you’ve joined a group, go to the Members page. You can run a filtered search and instantly create a list of ready-made prospects based on specific job titles, company names, location, etc.
2. People – Make the time to send a personalized invitation. Relying on the auto default email: “I’d like to add you to my professional network” is ineffective. Review their profile and skills. Mention their interests or accomplishments in your invitation. Start out with a personal sentence, then explain why you want to connect, how you found the person and the value you bring to the person as a connection.
3. Mobile/iPad App – This is best used when you’re at a trade show or an event where you’re making one-on-one contacts. During a conversation with a prospect, ask them if they’d like to connect on LinkedIn. Then do so on your app. You can also bump your phones together lightly; magically, if they have their settings correct, then LinkedIn will transfer your contact information between phones using Bluetooth. No typing, no misspelled words — just instant transfer of information.
Websites and social media are like networking, if you only go to one event then don’t follow-up or you stop networking, then the contacts will eventually fade away. If you only set up your website and forget about it, without regularly updating it with new content or promoting your expertise on social media, then the contacts will fade away.
If you spend an hour or so per day on this networking site, it will not be long before you are capturing leads and turning these into new business. Click here for our blog on 3 ways to use LinkedIn for your business success.
At COGO Interactive, we develop powerful communication strategies using all of the popular social/niche media channels to drive traffic and generate qualified leads. We research all appropriate social media channels for placements and listings including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. We then recommend which sites cater to your target audience and develop a customized media plan.
We have these upcoming related workshops in the D.C. area. We’d love to see you.
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