There are a lot of fun aspects to using Pinterest, and if you’re using your account to promote your business, there are even more ways to reach your audience in an effective way. Sometimes even small tweaks to your social media use can yield major results – here are some Pinterest tricks that can help give your marketing efforts a boost.
• Don’t get hung up about people repinning your photos. A lot of people are complaining about copyright issues, but the whole point of Pinterest is people sharing stuff around, so if your stuff is getting shared, embrace it! You can watermark your photos with your url so that anyone in doubt will know where the image came from.
• Keep the focus on the lifestyle endgame. This is not the place to push your product, it’s the place to showcase the sort of lifestyle that your customers can have. Consumers are results-focused and you can show them exactly what sort of results your brand stands for.
• Get social. Grouped boards are a great idea and can encourage your customers and followers to have more in-depth engagement with you. Connect your Pinterest account to your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and on your pin captions make sure to mention specific people where appropriate to encourage responses and sharing.
• Investigate your competitors and measure your own success. How are other companies in your niche connecting with their Pinterest followers? How well do each of your boards perform? Is there one particular type of pin that is getting more repins than the rest? Are you happy with how your following is growing?
• Bring out the competitive streak in your followers. People love to win a contest, and having a giveaway or prize of some sort can really get people repinning. Pinterest contests can be easily crossed over to other social media accounts, so you can get a lot of additional interest that way.
• Don’t neglect your profile. A lot of Pinterest users, even businesses, don’t flesh out their profiles as well as they should. Make sure to link to your other social accounts, make your bio useful and fun, and don’t forget to upload a relevant profile photo.
As Pinterest grows, it will be more and more difficult to stand out from the crowd. Start now and get going on building an engaged following, and word will spread before you know it.