If you’re one of the literally millions of people who is using LinkedIn only as a personal résumé and business-related social network, you’re missing out on the numerous ways that this powerful site can help your marketing strategy. Here’s a list of tricks you can use to turn your LinkedIn account into a marketing workhorse:
1. Remember that Google likes LinkedIn. Your LinkedIn profile is very likely to show up high in search results, so make sure that the information on your profile is both useful and up to date. Use your profile as a way to show off your knowledge, accolades, and any other information that might help give potential customers confidence in you.
2. Keep tabs on what your competitors are doing. LinkedIn does its best to help you find other businesses that are working in the same or a similar niche as you. Use this to your advantage by staying aware of what the competition is offering that you’re not, and what sorts of expertise and experience they have that you might be able to improve on.
3. Offer your expertise as evidence. The LinkedIn Answers feature allows people who know things to share them with the people who want to know. If you get involved with answering questions in your areas of expertise, you can quickly become known as the go-to person when people want something related to your company’s focus. Being regarded as an expert in your field can have a wonderful effect on your business and the number of people who seek you out when they need help.
4. Promote your site and blog. LinkedIn provides the facility to import your RSS feed directly onto your profile. This means that people who find your LinkedIn profile via internal search or Google can have a quick look at your blog and see what sorts of content you offer. Of course, the real key here is to make sure that your content is always fresh and relevant, but that kind of goes without saying.
5. Join a group, or start one. If you’re like me, you probably already belong to one or several LinkedIn Groups that you never participate in. Change that – start being a visible presence, or if you don’t feel any existing group is the right fit for you, create one and encourage people to join! This has a similar effect to getting involved with answering questions – you can gain respect as a leader and highly visible personality in your niche.
What are some unique ways you’ve maximized Linked In as part of your marketing strategy?