Do you have an annual marketing strategy and plan in place? This is a “yes or no question” that should have a “yes or no answer.”
If you answered yes, you are in better position than those who answered no. But regardless of what you have done in the past, there is no reason to believe you can’t make changes for the better in the future.
Why a Year End Marketing Review is Important
It is essential to have a strong grasp on your marketing plan, regardless of your company’s past and future goals.
With the end of the year finally here, there is no better time than now to reflect on 2014. When doing so, here are some questions to answer:
- Which marketing strategies generated the best results?
- Which marketing strategies fell short of your expectations?
- What types of changes did you make throughout the year to improve your chance of success?
By answering these questions, you can get a better understanding of what did and did not work over the past 11 months.
Armed with this information, it is now time to prepare for the future. Focus on these points as you create your marketing strategy for 2015:
- Spend the majority of your time and money on the areas that generated top results in 2014.
- Don’t shy away from experimenting with new tactics, as trial and error is a must.
- Set goals based on lead generation, reach, and other key measurables.
Tip: the marketing strategy you create now may not remain exactly the same as 2015 wears on. There will be times when you adjust your approach to better increase your chance of success.
Do you need Help?
While some companies have more than enough resources in-house to handle all marketing related tasks and activities, this is not always the case.
You may require assistance from time to time. Rather than fight through this, hoping you can make enough time in your schedule to handle the finer details of your marketing strategy, you can seek help from outsiders.
Some companies hire a full blown marketing firm, one that can handle everything from content creation to social media and much more. Others hire an independent contractor to step in and provide guidance. In the end, what matters most is that you build a team that can help you reach your marketing related goals.
It won’t be long before the calendar turns to 2015. Now is the time to reflect on your 2014 marketing plan while also looking towards the new year.