I went to a great networking lunch today and the featured speaker talked about the importance of blogging. Cindie Reinhold shared her experience and success building bridal blog (http://www.bridesandweddings.com/).
She highlighted two areas that seem to throw up roadblocks for many would-be bloggers: content & time. As far as content goes, we all have a wealth of knowledge and life experience that others could benefit from and are interested in. As Cindie pointed out today, the more you blog, the easier it is. The key is consistency – post at least 1-2x a week. When you’re in the “blogging” mindset, you’ll be suprised how many topics come to mind!
The second biggest objection to blogging is time. Once again, it’s a matter of priority. As Cindie shared, there are many things in life that we make time for that are important to us…it’s a mindset. If you are committed to blogging each week (and it shouldn’t really take more than 10-20 minutes) you’ll be surprised at the return on your investment over time: increased brand awareness, differentiation from your competition, “expert” status in your field. Not to mention then the SEO advantages to blogging! But, that’s a topic for another day. What topics could you blog about?