There is a lot changing in the wonderful world of social media. From day to day, you may not notice many differences. However, when you look at the bigger picture you will realize that things are not the same today as they were several months ago.
It would be in your best interest to review your social media plan at least once per quarter, ensuring that your strategy is still yielding the best possible results.
Let’s take a look at three social media changes that could change your approach moving forward:
1. Blog more often. This is something that many have been pushing for a long time, but it is now becoming even more important.
Blogging was one of the first social media tools to gain widespread acceptance, and the approach you take can and will change over time.
The more often you post the easier it is to grow your audience and increase sales.
2. You must provide value on Twitter. Do you remember the days when using Twitter was as simple as posting a link and waiting for the traffic to come? Okay, it may not have been that easy, but things are really changing now.
Twitter is still a great way to connect with your audience, however, you must provide value through your tweets if you want to achieve the greatest amount of success.
3. LinkedIn is growing. As the most popular professional networking site in the world, millions upon millions of people used LinkedIn every day to stay in touch with others, search for jobs, provide advice, and much more.
Did you know that LinkedIn has rolled out several new features this year? You need to stay current with these additions, such as a fresh take on “who’s viewed your profile,” to ensure that you are getting the most value from your time on the site.
The social media strategy you use today will not be the one you use next year at this time. It is imperative that you stay current with the most recent changes, such as those detailed above. This will allow you to make adjustments on the fly, allowing your social media plan to push your company to greater heights with each passing day.
The social media changes above are sure to impact your company in some way, shape, or form. Learn as much as you can about these changes and then alter your approach accordingly.