

5 Simple yet Overlooked Content Marketing Tips

BY Peg McDermott on Jan 21, 2014 / IN marketing strategy

responsiveIf you are trying to grow traffic to your website, it is essential to take a close look at your content marketing strategy. While there is nothing wrong with spending time and money on other SEO efforts, Google has made it clear that there is nothing more important than high quality content.

When it comes time to create a content marketing strategy, the following five tips will put you on the right path to success:

1. Create content that authority sites would love to link to. If other people find your content interesting, they are going to link to it from their website. Subsequently, you can expect an uptick in both referral and search engine traffic. Just remember one thing: the best websites don’t link to low quality content.

2. Readers first, search engines second. When creating content, focus on your audience above all else. Provide your readers with information that they will find useful. Along with this, you can keep one eye on what you are doing in terms of optimizing your content for search engines. For instance, are you using keywords associated with your topic that have the best chance of driving large amounts of traffic?

3. Quality over quantity. There was a day and age when producing as much content as possible was the best approach. Don’t expect this trend to come back anytime soon. When producing content, quality is more important than quantity. One high quality 2,000 word blog post is more effective than 10 250 word posts that don’t have anything useful to share.

4. Guest-posting is a big deal. Are there others in your industry who are willing to accept a guest post, complete with a link back to your site? This is one of the best ways to share your content with others, all without ever publishing on your website. When doing this, stick with relevant sites in your niche.

5. It takes time to achieve success. There is no denying the fact that it can take a lot of time and energy to create high quality content. For this reason, it is easy to become frustrated when you don’t see immediate results. Stick with your plan, day after day, until you reach your goals. From there, it is much easier to stay the course. It may take time to achieve success, but the end result is well worth it.

Have you been overlooking these five content marketing tips? Don’t continue to do so this year. Instead, make a change for the better.
