It’s happened to most of us at one time or another – you get something on your Facebook page all set up just how you want it, and then boom, Facebook goes and changes everything and your hard work goes down the drain. While most of Facebook’s changes actually benefit page owners in the long run, it can be hard to remember that when you’ve just spent hours on a feature that suddenly gets disabled or removed. It can also leave you wondering if you’ll ever be able to stay ahead of the curve when things on Facebook seem to change almost monthly.
One thing that’s important to remember is that pretty much all business owners are in the same boat. When Facebook changes for you, it changes for everyone else, too. The difference is in how people respond to it. Sure, we all grumble about it, but in the end, those who thrive are those who keep calm, carry on, and simply make the necessary adjustments. Yes, you may have lost your custom landing page in the most recent overhaul, but so did everyone else. Even though it may be frustrating, you can use it as an opportunity to make your page stand out in other ways.
In terms of keeping in touch with what’s coming up at Facebook, there are forums where people discuss rumors of upcoming changes, but if you want official information, you can follow the <a href=”“>Facebook blog</a>. It doesn’t get updated very often, but when it does, it’s usually some information that will be important to the community at large, and upcoming changes will almost always be announced there.
If it’s all just too exasperating and you don’t have the time or patience to deal with the frequent Facebook changes, it’s a great idea to get some outside help with social media management. Social media management services make it their business to keep up-to-date with all the upcoming developments at Facebook (and other social networks), and can help you stay current or even slightly ahead of the game.
Will Facebook ever settle on one formula and stick to it? Probably not. The web is moving forward at lightning speed, and Mark Zuckerberg did not build a multi-billion dollar site to have it lag behind. If there’s anything Facebook has taught us so far, it’s to expect the unexpected, so be prepared for any and all changes that might come your way! Do you embrace changes to social networks, or is it harder for you adjust to a new way of doing things?