A blog is no longer just for personal use about cooking or travel, it’s now used for businesses and growth! A business blog is a place where you regularly promote and publish your content. Blogging helps with inbound marketing by attracting new visitors to your website, increasing the traffic, then converting the visitors into leads. The leads can turn into promoters of your products and services when they talk and share with their networks to spread the word.
Why Blog? What to Blog?
Blogging helps you attract new visitors because people have questions and issues that they are looking for answers to online, and your blog can help provide that information. It’s important to blog about common questions or problems with a specific topic, blog about unique and educational content, and use the keywords that you think people will search for when looking up the information. Then, strangers searching for that information online will find you. Every time you create an original distinct blog post it gets recorded as a distinct page online. The more pages you have, the more opportunities you have to get found in search engines and get linked to by outside websites. The more you blog, the more you stand out as an expert or thought leader in the industry as well. And if the visitor is interested in learning more, your blog can provide them with the next step: contact information, downloadable brochure, eBook, guideline, free consultation, etc.
Your Next Steps
Put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers. What questions would you have? Ask yourself and your team to make a list of 20 questions. Write about the commons issues or trends in your industry. Each answer can be made into a separate blog post.
Wait a Second! Be Easy on the Eyes
Finally, know that people want to read quickly and skim content to find what they are looking for in just seconds. Use bullet points, headings, and/or bolding to help format the blog for easy reading.
Contact us today at 703.885.8406 or ask our President, Peg McDermott, for more expertise on blogging and your business strategy.
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