To some companies, Twitter is a way or life. To others, this is a confusing 140-character mess that they simply don’t understand.
If you find yourself shying away from this social media platform, now may be the time to come around to what it has to offer.
Did you know that many companies are using Twitter to supplement their PR strategy? There are many ways to do this, including the following:
1. Link to company news posted to your corporate blog. With each update to your blog, be sure to mention it on Twitter. This will keep your followers in the loop, while also giving you another outlet for spreading the information.
2. Link to company press releases. Did you recently distribute a press release to announce an award? How about an upcoming event? What about a new hire? Regardless of the topic, you can share the information via Twitter.
3. Stay in touch with the media. From bloggers to journalists to television reporters, most media personalities have a Twitter account. Since these are the people who can give your company the press it deserves, you should communicate with them via Twitter as often as possible.
Note: when you are “out of sight” you are “out of mind.” Keep your company in front of the media and you will be surprised at the results.
4. Provide live updates from a conference or event. Media types love covering live events. If you make their life easier, such as through “live tweeting,” it will improve your chance of garnering the attention your company deserves.
5. Monitor your results. It is one thing to use Twitter, but another thing entirely to generate results. Are others talking about your brand? Are you growing your follower count with each passing day? Just the same as any PR campaign, you need to measure your results so you know what is and is not working.
Now that you know how to use Twitter for PR, there is only one thing left to do: get started.