

Keywords for Wealth Management Firms to Use Online

BY Peg McDermott on Sep 18, 2015 / IN Blog


Keywords are the foundation of your website content. 

.The topic of every page and what it is about should tie directly back to the keywords or keyword phrases you have written on your website pages, blog, article, etc. Searchers use keywords as a way to identify and verbalize their problem or topic in which they’re looking for more information. 

Businesses and individuals then create content around relevant topics to their business which helps them rank (SEO) and be the content in which searchers find. Search engines, such as Google, crawl websites and web pages for keywords when people type in certain words to search for online. The more relevant keywords you have on your website (including LinkedIn profile and other social media accounts), the better your chance of being found in online search results.

For wealth management firms, financial advisors, financial planners, agents, and professionals, here is a sample list of keywords you can use on your website, professional blog, LinkedIn profile, etc.:

  • Financial Advisor, Financial Planner, Wealth Manager, Wealth Advisor (what other titles do your prospects search for?)
  • Retirement, financial planning, 401K, investment advisory, tax planning, compliance, business consulting, individual stocks, individual bonds, mutual funds, trusts, real estate investment trusts, public limited partnerships, hedge funds, exchange traded funds, variable and fixed annuities, municipal bonds, corporate bonds, mortgage backed securities, treasury bonds, money markets, insurance, etc. (what products or services are your prospects looking for?)
  • Personal Financial Specialist (PFS), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Registered Financial Consultant (RFC), Registered Paraplanner (RP), etc. (what certifications do your prospects search for?)
  • Boston, Arlington, Alexandria, Washington D.C. metro area, Charlotte, Raleigh, etc.  (what city would prospects use in a search?)

Also, think about what you might search for if you were in need of financial advice. Then, you can use these keywords by typing them into your page title, blog title, heading within a blog or website page, the body of your blog/website content, website URL, description on an image, etc.Putting keywords in your profile is a simple process, but don’t go overboard.  

Good Keyword Usage: “I’ve been a financial advisor in Austin, Texas for over 20 years.  I became a financial advisor to help families, corporate executives and business owners…” 

Bad Keyword Usage: Financial Advisor, Financial Advisor, Financial Advisor, Financial Advisor 

Tip: Search for a list of relevant topics, keywords, job descriptions, and skills for other job titles or industries.

Using keywords correctly throughout a page and a website can be critical when you are trying to improve search engine ranking (SEO) as part of your internet marketing strategy. Click here for additional tips for how wealth managers can choose keywords for their online sites.

This blog was written by our staff writers. If you are looking for a solid digital marketing strategy, contact us today for a free consultation, we are here to help! Follow @cogomojo on Twitter, the COGO Interactive Company Page on LinkedIn, and subscribe to our blog, for more tips and resources. Thank you for reading! Your support is very much appreciated.


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