Getting traffic to your website is the first key to getting people to buy your product or service. If you’ve been having trouble getting those numbers heading in the right direction, it may be time to switch things up a little and try some different tactics.
1. Appeal to people in an old-school way. Bumper stickers, posters, t-shirts, and business cards may seem like marketing tools for another generation, but there’s a reason these marketing tools exist: because they work. This is especially true if your company is location-based and you’re looking to drum up local business.
2. Give things away. People love winning free stuff, so hosting occasional giveaways for your website readers will keep them coming back. You don’t have to spend a fortune to do this, but keep in mind that the nicer the giveaways, the more often people will check your site to see what’s new. It’s better to do nicer giveaways less often than to do frequent ones – too much of anything gets boring, eventually.
3. Write a free ebook. This may be time-consuming, but it can pay off in big ways, and many successful websites have a free ebook driving traffic to the site. The more informative and useful the eBook, the better. Don’t be afraid to give away some good tips in exchange for your audience’s trust and loyalty.
4. Get into guest posting. Writing as a guest on other sites in your niche can be a great way to attract huge amounts of traffic in one fell swoop. Just make sure that when the new people arrive at your site, you have something amazing there to share with them.
5. Invite guest posters. Having a prominent blogger write for your blog can be just as effective as writing for theirs. They are almost guaranteed to mention the guest post on their site, and then you will have their readers coming over to check out your site.
6. Fine-tune your SEO. With the recent changes to Google’s search algorithm, your old SEO may not be as effective as it once was. Either update your SEO skills and your site, or hire someone who can get the job done for you.
7. Flaunt your expertise. Search forums and social networks for people who are talking about topics related to your site. Step into conversations and offer your help, or your take on things. Mention your qualifications, and make sure your signature or profile contains a link back to your site!