It does not matter if you have been using Twitter as a marketing tool for many years or have yet to create an account, this can be a powerful part of your social strategy. While some companies have achieved great success with their Twitter marketing strategy, others continually come up short. If you want to make the most of your time on this social media service, here are three mistakes to avoid at all costs:
1. On again off again tweeting. If you have plans to use Twitter to garner new business, you should go “all in.” This doesn’t mean you have to tweet all day long, seven days a week. What it does mean is that you should make a solid effort to keep your account updated on a regular basis. When you stick with your strategy it will begin to pay off. Soon enough your number of followers will increase and your brand will begin to strengthen.
2. Promote your content, but don’t spam others. There is a big difference between promoting a tweet and crossing the line into the world of spam. Walk this line carefully, as you don’t want your followers to see you as nothing more than a spammer. If you earn this reputation you will face an uphill battle moving forward. Note: direct messages, when used appropriately, can be quite effective. At the same time, you should avoid this feature to spam others.
3. Neglecting to use hashtags. There are times when a hashtag is not necessary, but you should almost always be able to work at least one of these into your tweet. It may not happen often, but if a hashtag goes viral you could see a big response on your Twitter page and subsequent traffic to your website. These are the types of Twitter mistakes that can sink your marketing strategy before it ever has the chance to succeed. Fortunately, it is easy to avoid these mistakes if you make an effort to do things the right way. Ask yourself this question: are you happy with the results you have achieved on Twitter to this point?
If the answer is no and you have been putting a lot of time and effort into this part of your marketing plan, it is time for a change. You may soon realize that one or more of the mistakes above has been holding you down.