If we had to pick one word to describe today’s online experience, “dynamic” might be a good choice. Whereas the early days of the web featured mostly static pages with lots of text and not much else, the sites you see now are bursting with information of all kinds, with a lot of two-way interaction and audience engagement. The advent of multimedia, of course, has played a huge role in this evolution. As broadband speeds have become faster and media quality has improved, things like images, video, and even live streaming have become not only possible, but commonplace.
Given that multimedia is everywhere nowadays, intelligent marketers understand the need for incorporating a fair amount of multimedia into online marketing strategies. Even the smallest businesses with the simplest goals can benefit from including multimedia as part of their campaigns, and doing so can open you up to a whole new level of engaging with potential customers.
Video, for example, used to be only for a select few. It was expensive to make, difficult to maintain quality, and many people did not have the bandwidth or the necessary hardware specs to view videos on the web. Now, of course, just about every smartphone has a halfway decent camcorder, and most can directly upload videos to YouTube, many in high definition. This means that even the smallest business owners can start making interesting videos for an interested audience, with very little investment and almost no required technical knowledge.
In addition, failing to take advantage of multimedia can have consequences. Given that it’s so accessible to so many now, failing to jump on the bandwagon can mean a site and a marketing campaign that comes across as boring, stale, and out-of-date. Multimedia adds a level of excitement that will interest visitors, and it will make marketing more interesting for you, as well. Being able to connect with your audience in every way possible is a great feeling, and will come across well as you’re sending your message out to your target demographic.
In short, the sooner you can get started with multimedia, the better it will be for your business and growth. How much multimedia have you included so far as part of your online marketing campaigns? Have you noticed a difference in how people respond to you as you’ve ramped up your multimedia efforts?