2020 significantly slowed the pace of small businesses across the board, and although 2021 is looking promising as a comeback year, marketers still have to be creative with their strategies to make an impact. LinkedIn is an especially good platform for refreshing your approach and exploring possibilities; here are some changes you can make to your LinkedIn business account right now to start finding a path back to strong growth.
1. Refresh your Page. When was the last time you updated your cover image or your Page’s “About Us” section? The way you can provide value to customers in 2021 is no doubt very different from how it was even a year ago, so make sure that you’re putting your best foot forward and keeping all that information accurate and up-to-date for your current audience.
2. Keep your eyes open. Don’t let potential buyers and conversion opportunities slip away – because LinkedIn is specifically business-oriented, if someone is engaging with your business Page there’s a much greater potential for an eventual purchase than with standard social networks. If someone makes a comment on your content, never assume it’s “just a comment.” Treat each interaction like it’s the start of a sale, because it may very well be.
3. Reduce buyer friction. Make sure you have a structure set up so that your potential customers are attended to immediately, and that it’s not difficult for them to receive the help they need or get connected with a sales associate.
4. Make content a priority. How often are you publishing original content or participating in LinkedIn Groups? Create a calendar to ensure that content goes out on a regular schedule.
5. Earn trust through sharing expertise. You already know what your business is best at, but you need to make sure everyone else knows, too. Be generous with sharing tips and answering questions – establishing yourself as a thought leader will really help you build a reputation for being the business that people can trust to get things right.
6. Earn even more trust through being present. You might be the best in your industry, but if the perception is that you’re hard to connect with, people will go elsewhere. Answer questions as soon as possible, respond to messages right away, and even on days when you’re not publishing articles, send out a quick update or two so that people can see you’re available whenever they might need help.
7. Find your specific audience. In addition to organic outreach, LinkedIn has a range of targeting tools that can really help your message find the right people. The ROI can be impressive, and for many marketers this is a relatively easy way to attract the kinds of visitors that become customers.
8. Create partnered content. No two business have exactly the same audience – if you partner up with influencers in complementary niches, you can both benefit from sharing audiences and boosting your respective signals.
9. Pay attention to customer engagement. If your latest article got five times more comments and interactions than usual, it makes sense to post more content about that topic. Be attentive to what your customers seem to care about most, versus what is just filler for them.
Measuring engagement on your LinkedIn account is a good litmus test not only for B2B performance, but the health of your marketing strategy in general. If you’d like help fine-tuning your approach and understanding how to improve your marketing, contact us for a free consultation so we can point you in the right direction!
COGO Interactive is an award-winning digital marketing agency specializing in online marketing strategy, web design, SEO and social media marketing. We work with clients in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, DC and across the nation.