It’s all treats and no tricks with this latest batch of Digital Blend, featuring all the expert digital marketing advice you need!
Getting ready for 2024 — The end of 2023 is right around the corner; here are seven tips to clean up your website for the new year.
An ad-free future — As online platforms test ideas for ad-free paid tiers, marketers wonder what this will mean for small businesses.
A policy of honesty — How to walk the ethical side of the very thin line between persuasion and deception.
Email for brand awareness — The goals to aim for (as well as pitfalls to avoid) when building a strong brand strategy through email marketing.
It’s not too late for YouTube — If you still aren’t using YouTube to build brand awareness, here’s the push you need to get started.
Good news for Instagram — Meta expands the functionality of the Instagram Marketing API to enable third-party posting platforms to facilitate product tags for promotions.
Layering intent data — Insights on how marketers can leverage intent data to enhance early-stage lead generation.
Lead gen on TikTok — HubSpot has teamed up with TikTok to provide real-time lead synchronization between the social-media phenom and HubSpot’s Smart CRM.
LinkedIn for thought leadership — LinkedIn is one of the most overlooked places to cultivate leads in 2023; here’s how to take advantage of it.
Monsters not included — IKEA’s delightfully creepy campaign shows a lighter side of Halloween.
COGO Interactive is an award-winning digital marketing agency specializing in online marketing strategy, web design, SEO and social media marketing. We work with clients in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, DC and across the nation.