LinkedIn is arguably one of the most overlooked digital marketing tools, but when used correctly it can transform your entire strategy. If you’ve been slacking on your LinkedIn marketing lately, here are some ways to get back on track for success in 2022.
Share expertise through Articles. Repurposing business content for your LinkedIn network is a great way to establish yourself as a thought leader and expert in your field. Articles that explain concepts or give industry insights can also be helpful for generating leads and engaging your audience in a more meaningful way than regular timeline posts.
Explore retargeted ads. LinkedIn’s ad platform used to be notoriously bad, but their new Matched Audiences tool now works really well to help retarget website visitors. This works in a similar way to sponsored Facebook posts, but typically gives better results in terms of appropriate sales funnel leads.
Create LinkedIn newsletters. Keeping your following regularly updated through LinkedIn newsletters is a fantastic way to drive visibility for your content, build a subscriber base, and reach a wider audience. Optimized newsletters are also an SEO dream, ensuring that your content has a long life and is easily found through search engines.
Utilize interactive elements. Getting your audience to interact with you can be tricky, but LinkedIn provides interactive tools like polls to help get the conversation started. Gathering opinions and preferences through polls can help you see how your followers think, and learning what sorts of things they like or don’t like can help you make important product and service decisions.
Keep your timeline active. Posting fresh content at regular intervals on your timeline is a key part of staying visible to your followers. Don’t just post generic filler links, though – focus on quality content that either provides a solution to a problem, or reinforces your expertise within your niche.
Leverage the power of Groups. LinkedIn Groups are not only a great way to find your target audience, they can also help you understand that audience better, and even convert leads into customers. Be selective when joining Groups – this is about quality, not quantity. You want to find groups that are as specific as possible to your niche, so you can interact effectively and offer solutions and advice when appropriate. You can even create your own group and invite prospects to join in the discussions there.
LinkedIn is just one factor in a successful social and content strategy. If you want help seeing how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, contact us for a free consultation, where we’ll give you actionable tips and pointers to get you headed in the right direction.
COGO Interactive is an award-winning digital marketing agency specializing in online marketing strategy, web design, SEO and social media marketing. We work with clients in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, DC and across the nation.