The internet is a highly competitive place for businesses. Getting noticed is not easy in a sea of other companies who may be providing similar products or services; the key is to establish yourself as a thought leader so that people get to know you as one of the trusted names in your industry. Buyers now prefer to do their own research online rather than listening to sales pitches – here’s how you can make sure that yours is the authoritative voice answering the questions your potential customers are asking.
Share your knowledge openly. The whole reason you’re in the business you’re in is because you know a lot about your niche. Don’t keep that knowledge to yourself – the way to convince others that you know what you’re talking about is to talk about it. When potential customers have questions, they’re going to go to search engines. If your website and social channels have the most accurate and highest quality information for the questions your target market is asking, then you’re going to rank higher than other companies in your same niche. The more you know and share what you know, the more trusted and sought after you will be – both by search engines and by customers.
Get specific. Most people who are searching for your product or service online will have specific questions that they want answered before they make a decision. What are the questions you hear most often from your customers or people inquiring about your business? Answering those specific questions will be a good starting point to help people feel more comfortable with trusting you, and it will make them feel more at ease about choosing your business over others.
In most situations, customers generally want to know how much they’re going to have to spend, which products or services would be best for their circumstances, and how other similar solutions compare in price and desired result. Beyond those basic topics, it’s up to you to listen to what your visitors are asking, make note of each query you receive, and publicly answer every one those questions, with the attitude that no question is too specific or unworthy of a response. If someone asked, then that means people want to know, and if you don’t provide the answer, one of your competitors will.
Spread the message far and wide. Sharing your knowledge isn’t just about writing a blog post here and there – it’s about incorporating the delivery of information into the fabric of your company culture, and distributing it through every channel possible. Rather than pitching or hard-selling, your sales and marketing teams should have the mindset of providing the answers to every customer’s questions. Whenever your business gets a new question you hadn’t heard before, that’s a fresh opportunity to make a tutorial video, write an article, or share the answer on your social accounts. It should be a daily practice that becomes second nature after a while.
Developing a reputation as a thought leader doesn’t happen overnight, but if you commit to being the best information source out there, you can quickly build trust that results in higher conversions, glowing reviews, and increased growth. If you want to make sure that your efforts aren’t being wasted, we can help you find the most effective road toward becoming a thought leader in your industry.
Cogo Interactive is an award-winning digital marketing agency specializing in online marketing strategy, web design, SEO and social media marketing. We work with clients in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, DC and across the nation.