One of the most effective methods that you can use to build your list is article marketing. It provides your business with the perfect online platform and can help you reach your target audience in a way that lets you share your knowledge and position you as an expert in your market at the same time. When utilized properly article marketing is an incredibly effective strategy that anyone can use to grow their list
It is one of the fastest methods you can use to reach the people that will be most interested in joining your list and purchasing the products and services that you offer. Quite simply put, article marketing and list building work extremely well when used together to achieve your list building objectives.
There are many benefits to article marketing. Search engines love keyword focused articles, and posting those articles returns excellent search rank results for your blog, website, and social media (as long as all are properly linked).
Another benefit is that it will help generate highly targeted traffic from article directories. It works like this, article directories allow you to submit articles related to your business, product or service. The articles that you submit include an authors resource box. In the resource box you provide information about yourself and your business, including a link to your website or blog. Then they allow other publishers and webmasters to reprint your articles as long as the resource box that you carefully craft is left intact. When crafting your resource box you have the opportunity to direct and entice anyone who reads the article to join your list. Your resource box should emphasize the benefit of joining your list along with a little gift, like a free report, ebook, ecourse, etc. Make sure that you use both a direct link and anchor text in your resource box when possible. This will help you rank for your main keywords and phrases.
For article marketing to be an effective list building tool, you must create a regular publishing schedule and constantly work towards getting as many articles written and submitted to the major article directories as possible. The more articles you have in circulation, the more new subscribers you will obtain. Try putting aside an hour each day to write and submit articles. In the beginning it might take a little longer for you to write a good article, but with a little practice and dedication you will quickly get the hang of it.
If really want to kick your article marketing into high gear you can try outsourcing the writing process to a trained professional and focus your efforts on other list building methods. Here is a quick list of the top five article directories that you can submit your articles to:
What’s holding you back from you using this powerful list building strategy?