

Do Facebook Ads Still Make Sense in 2024?

For many years, when people talked about “paid ads”, that automatically meant Facebook ads.

For a lot of businesses, Facebook is still the default for advertising online. Does it still makes sense to give Facebook ads priority in 2024, though? Here are some things to consider.

2024 is not 2014

Facebook ads worked really well back in the day, and even as recently as five years ago. The formula was simple: if you were willing to throw five or ten dollars per day at your marketing, you’d get results. You didn’t need to be an expert in digital marketing, either — Facebook made targeting simple and precise, and for a very small amount of money you could get your content in front of thousands of carefully selected people who really could turn into potential customers.

However, a lot of things have changed about how Facebook ads work, and in 2024 the playing field is not what it used to be.

Regulation Rules

Remember the Facebook pixel? This little embedded spy allowed Facebook to follow users around and see how they actually behaved after they clicked on an ad. This told Facebook a lot about what its users were doing on the web, and more importantly, how they were making their buying decisions. However, in 2021 iOS users were given the power to say whether or not they wanted to be tracked, and as this became standard it took a lot of power out of Facebook’s ability to narrow down a target audience. As a result, the price of advertising went way up, and the quality of target audiences went way down unless you were able and willing to make drastic increases to your budget.

Big Business Dominates

It’s not surprising that when the cost of successful advertising skyrockets, bigger businesses with deeper pockets are going to have an advantage. In addition, as more people have started seeing ads from lower-quality advertisers, trust has gone way down, and a lot of people have been burned by cheap products dressed up in nice ads, causing them to be extra careful before spending any money on something they saw in a Facebook ad.

How to Make Facebook Ads Work for You in 2024

So does that mean you should give up on Facebook ads entirely? Not necessarily. While direct conversion rates for product or service ads have dipped to almost zero, conversions for collecting email addresses are much higher. Furthermore, if you use your Facebook ads to get people to sign up to your email list, you now have much greater control over messaging and guiding people through the buying process. It’s certainly a more involved strategy that will take time, effort, and a lot of A/B testing of your ads, but if the end result is more customers, then it’s worth it.

Want some help navigating the world of online ads? Contact us for a free consultation — we’ll help get you started, or give you some times on how to take your current strategy to the next level!

COGO Interactive is an award-winning digital marketing agency specializing in online marketing strategy, web design, SEO and social media marketing. We work with clients in Virginia, Maryland, Washington, DC and across the nation.
