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What Do YOU Need to Know about Facebook’s Redesigned Feeds?

Over the past year or so, TikTok has become the gold standard for content presentation and finely-tuned algorithms. It has become so popular that older social media platforms like Facebook are now making major changes in order to keep up with these new expectations. As such, Meta has now completely overhauled Facebook's newsfeed, and split…

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Four Steps to Finding Your Social Media Utopia

It's every marketer's dream: having a captive audience who are completely on board and ready to hear what you have to say. It may seem impossible, but with the latest trends in the evolution of social media, marketers now have a chance to create true communities like never before. But how can you move from traditional marketing strategies into this more socially-driven landscape?  In order to make the most of this important shift, you need to incorporate these four elements.

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Why Facebook Still Matters for Marketers in 2018

Over the past year or two, you may have seen reports that Facebook usage is declining. Although the social network does have its issues and young people in particular are trying other sites and apps, it's important to remember that even now, the number of monthly active user on Facebook is still increasing, and with nearly two-thirds of Americans still using Facebook on a regular basis, those are numbers that digital marketers absolutely can't ignore.

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