Your iPhone or iPad personal assistant, Siri, responds to the words you speak. Siri thinks the world of you. Don’t believe me? Just hold down the home button on your device and ask: “Who’s your favorite person in the whole world?”
Just for fun, try these as well … we wanted to share these 11 funny and snarky things Siri says in reply to your questions … try it out and enjoy!
1. Ask Siri “what is zero divided by zero?” You’ll get a sassy response about how you can’t split zero cookies evenly among zero friends.
2. Ask, “why fire trucks are red?” and you’ll find out why fire trucks are always “Russian” around.
3. Ever wonder “how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Siri knows.
4. Siri will also tell you how much she loves you. Ask: “Do you love me?” She may respond with “I’m not allowed to”, “you’re definitely starting to grow on me”, “let me get back to you on that” or “look … a puppy!”
This is getting too funny!
5. If you tell Siri “You’re making me angry” she may not like it … “Fine. Stop squeezing me like that.”
6. Ask: “Are you ‘Her’?” Response: “No. I am me, and she is her.”
7. Ask: “What is ‘Inception’ about?” Response: “Inception is about dreaming about dreaming about dreaming about dreaming about something or other. I fell asleep.”
8. Ask “can I call you Jarvis?” and see if Siri knows about the movie Iron Man.
9. Siri will also give you her opinion on intelligent assistants if you ask “what is Blade Runner about?”
10. If you say “Knock Knock,” Siri might sound worried and respond “Knock knock. Who’s there? Sam. Sam who? Sam, I don’t do knock-knock jokes.”
11. Finally, Siri always wishes you the best. Ask “Are you happy, Siri?” and you’ll get this response: “I’m quite content, Sam. I hope you are, too.”
Try it out on your iPhone or iPad and see for yourself.
Side note: in mid-June, Apple announced that in the fall of 2015 you’ll be able to choose either a woman’s voice or man’s voice for Siri on your device.
Talk with us if you need more laughs … or if you need help with making your online marketing fun and mobile friendly. Siri will appreciate it!
What is your favorite response from Siri? Enjoy!
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This post was written by staff writers at COGO Interactive.