Search engine optimization is always changing and evolving with the needs of website viewers and the way businesses chose to market online. Every year Google makes changes and the way SEO is done has to adapt.
Could the future of SEO end up looking like the picture above!?! – Will the newest generations grow up using and knowing Google analytics, rankings, and related SEO trends while the older generations struggle to adapt? Who will be sitting in the biggest chair in your marketing department?
Will your team grow with the newest changes?
Does the future of SEO even involve SEO?
Well, the truth is that SEO is expanding, and it seems like SEOs need to be involved in, or at least have knowledge of, more and more topics.These resources may help you get started in the realm of learning something new:
· The Simple Guide to Digital Strategy in 2016
· Learning SEO from the Experts
· The 30 Greatest Lead Generation Tips, Tricks & Ideas
Also, you can watch our blog for next week’s post about the many ways you can incorporate SEO. The biggest tip we can encourage you to do is leap into the unknown and learn something new about SEO and how your websites are ranking online. This will help your team understand the big picture of online marketing … and understand the big picture of how and where you are attracting leads.
This blog was compiled by our staff writers. If you are looking for a solid inbound marketing strategy, contact us today for a free consultation, we are here to help! Follow @cogomojo on Twitter, the COGO Interactive Company Page on LinkedIn, and subscribe to our blog, for more tips and resources. Thank you for reading! Your support is very much appreciated.