Have you put any thought into taking your inbound marketing strategy to the next level? Even if you may be a bit behind the trend, it is never too late to get started!
Inbound marketing refers to marketing activities that bring visitors in, rather having to go out to get customers’ attention. It’s about creating the right content in the right context.
With today’s marketing, people are tuning out and fast forwarding through traditional TV ads, phone calls, direct mail, proactive sales campaigns, flyers, spam, telemarketing, etc. It’s your job to appeal to your target audience with the information they want in the way they want it (i.e. this could be with tools like: videos via customer reviews, mobile websites, interactive tools, informative blogs, eBooks, podcasts, photos, social media, downloadable whitepapers, free demos, free webinar, etc.).
Believe in the benefits of social media for your small business. As a small business, there is nothing more important than building your brand. Using social media allows you to expedite this process.
You can level the playing field with larger companies. Since you don’t have the bank account of the major players in your industry, you need to get creative. Using the tools listed above may allow you to do just that, without breaking the bank.
Finally, there is nothing more exciting than connecting with prospects, clients, and industry connections from all over the globe. Your company may be in the United States but you can use online marketing to communicate with people on the opposite side of the world. How cool is that!
Inbound marketing for small business attracts prospects to your brand through blogging, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and a customer centric attraction approach, then converts them to lasting leads. And lasting leads are even cooler!
This blog was compiled by our staff writers. If you are looking for a solid inbound marketing strategy, contact us today for a free consultation, we are here to help! Follow @cogomojo on Twitter, the COGO Interactive Company Page on LinkedIn, and subscribe to our blog, for more tips and resources. Thank you for reading! Your support is very much appreciated.