If you’ve started a blog for your website, you’ve taken an important step in your marketing journey. However, in order for that step to benefit your business, you have to find ways to get people reading the blog posts you write. Here are four things to keep in mind, both when you’re writing your blog, and when you’re trying to find effective ways to promote it.
1. Remember that content is king.
You can do all the promoting in the world, but if you don’t have strong, relevant content on your blog, visitors won’t have any reason to stick around. Take the time to write thoughtful, insightful, and useful blog posts, as this will create the base that all your promotion efforts will be based on. What does your audience want to know? How can you help them with your knowledge and expertise? These are questions that will help you create content that will differentiate your blog from the others in your niche.
2. Go to where your audience is.
You probably already have a good idea of what this means, but it bears repeating because all too often, businesses send their signal out to too broad an audience, which wastes time, money, and effort. For example, if your blog and business revolve around the world of fine dining and travel, it doesn’t make sense to be promoting in communities geared toward teenagers. Where does your audience hang out? What sites and online services do they use frequently? If you’re going to be promoting, you may as well spend your time in places where your message is more likely to be heard.
3. Make the best use of social media.
This needs to be repeated again and again: if you don’t have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, or another social network, you’re missing out on a vital community of people who could be open to your message. Of course, it’s important to remember that social is the key – you want to be promoting in a way that is conversational, with you giving at least as much as you ask for.
4. Don’t neglect SEO.
It’s always a good time to look over your current SEO strategy and see what improvements could be made. There are literally billions of Google searches every day; making sure that people who are looking for your content find you is a matter of optimizing your site so that Google ranks it highly.
These are, of course, just a few of the ways you can help build your blog traffic. What techniques have worked for you in the past?
Peg McDermott is an award-winning marketing communications expert, Internet marketing specialist, and public speaker. Peg is the founder and president of COGO Interactive, an innovative Internet Marketing firm specializing in helping small to mid-sized businesses increase revenue and awareness by leveraging Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. She can be found on Google Plus, Twitter, and LinkedIn