It is one thing to setup social media profiles for your business. It is another thing entirely to implement a successful strategy that you can rely on, day in and day out.
This leads to one very important question: what type of information should you be sharing via social media? If you don’t know the answer, here are five ideas to consider:
1. Company news. Did you recently move from one location to another? Did you hire a key employee? Did you win an award? Any good news is news worth posting to your social media profiles.
2. Tips and advice. People follow you on social media because they want to hear what you have to say. Why not share tips and advice from time to time? After all, you are the expert in your industry.
3. Industry news. Let’s face it: regardless of your industry, there is always something going on. By staying current with breaking news, you can share this, along with your company’s opinion, via social media. Not only is this useful to those who are following you, but it can go a long way in helping you build your connections.
4. Funny anecdotes. Contrary to what some believe, there is nothing wrong with adding a little bit of humor to your social media profiles from time to time. Of course, this should be done in good taste. When you show your company’s funny side every so often, it makes your social media profiles a bit more interesting.
5. Images. Do you have pictures from a recent company party? How about pictures of a new product? There used to be a time when companies shied away from this, but things have changed over the past year. If you have an interesting image to post, mix this in with the other types of information outlined above.
Now do you see just how exciting it can be to consistently update your social media profiles? Don’t delay any longer. Social media marketing can really boost your business!