

How Guest Posting Can Help Your Business

BY Peg McDermott on Jun 11, 2013 / IN blogging, marketing strategy, website

When you’re trying to market your business online, the goal is to create a web presence that is popular and far-reaching, with regular site traffic and a community of engaged social media followers. Of course, this can be easier said than done, especially when it comes to creating awareness beyond your company’s existing circle of contacts. Guest posting is an effective way to quickly build your presence, as well as boosting brand recognition, and it’s pretty easy to get started, even if your blog or site is new.


Guest posting can work in a variety of ways, but usually you’ll want to search Google for your top keywords, and find blogs that rank fairly highly. You’re not looking for direct competitors, but rather blogs where the focus is complementary or supplementary to what your site offers. The best way forward is to contact the blog owner and send them a guest posting proposal. Introduce yourself, explain that you’d like to write a guest post for their blog, and suggest a couple of topics that would appeal both to their readers and to your own audience.


The benefits of this approach are numerous. One, you’re building relationships with other people in your niche, whom you may later partner with on any number of projects or campaigns. They may also mention you on their social media accounts, or you may mention them on yours.


Two, as far as the actual post goes, the idea is that you can link back to your own site within the post, as well as introducing yourself in a little “about the author” paragraph at the bottom. This helps build backlinks to your site, and in addition helps build a reputation of expertise. The more sites in your niche that you can post on with varying topics, the more you will start to be seen as someone who is knowledgeable, available, and helpful.


In addition, having unique content on various sites that are relevant to you helps boost your SEO. Google loves to see an author posting in numerous places, and by associating your name not only with your own site but with other similar sites, you can help spread your brand far and wide. It also helps the site where you guest post, as they can use your expertise to help strengthen their own reputation.


Do you have any previous experience with guest posting? What sort of changes have you seen in your traffic from posting on other people’s blogs?
