Spring cleaning your online marketing strategy can be one of the most productive steps you take during the early part of the year. There is no better time than now to “spring clean” your strategy, ensuring that you have a plan in place for the next several months.
As you get started, here are three questions to answer:
1. What can you get rid of? You need to get rid of anything that is not bringing value to your company. For example, did your social media strategy flop last year? If so, take it to the curb and begin to consider a different plan for this year.
2. What should you keep? Just because you are getting rid of some aspects of your plan does not mean it needs a complete overhaul. Instead, get rid of what you don’t need (see above) and keep the items that still offer some value.
With your online marketing plan, you need to know which aspects produced results for you in the past. These are the tasks that you want to stick with this year, as this will hopefully allow you to have the same level of success.
3. Who can help? There is nothing wrong with calling on the assistance of others when spring cleaning your online marketing plan. From coworkers to a consulting company, it may take more than one head to get on the right track.
Why not rely on others who have more experience than you? When you do this, you know that the journey ahead will be a successful one. Even if you have a difficult time passing tasks off to others, this is one time you should consider doing so.
What Now?
We aren’t going to leave you hanging. Now that you know the importance of spring cleaning for your online marketing strategy, we are going to provide detailed tips and advice in the coming weeks for getting started. Over the next four weeks, we will focus on the following:
- Website design
- Social media
- Email marketing
Be sure to check back next week for the next post in our spring cleaning series!