Social selling is salespeople + social media + interaction with prospects = helping social buyers become customers.
Social selling is about growing your social connections and trying to get potential customers to connect and relate to your business. Your social media engagements must answer questions and concerns in the industry, offer thoughtful content (posts and blogs), and help build a strong personal brand. Content can be used to tell powerful, touching, and effective stories.
TIP: Empathy is the key ingredient to the success of business in this increasingly social world.
Top professionals from all over the business landscape have learned how to tap into the powerful prospecting power of social selling on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Now, more than ever, it’s time to understand and leverage social selling to help business development pros meet this challenge. Get on social media! “Nearly 70% of sales professionals cite social media-sourced leads as the most important leads in the first two quarters of 2014.” Click here to read more interesting facts.
How can organizations align their sales and marketing teams to develop the tools that make social selling work through context, content, and collaboration? Contact us to find out.
We have these upcoming, May 6th, workshops about social selling in the DC metro area:
Social + Content = Personal Branding Success

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